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A large language model (LLM) is a computational model capable of language generation or other natural language processing tasks. As language models, LLMs acquire these abilities by learning statistical relationships from vast amounts of text during a self-supervised and semi-supervised training process.

  • Große Sprachmodelle

    Ein Large Language Model (LLM) ist eine Art künstlicher Intelligenz, die darauf ausgelegt ist, menschliche Sprache durch die Verarbeitung riesiger Mengen von Textdaten zu verstehen und zu generieren. LLMs werden mithilfe von Deep-Learning-Techniken, insbesondere neuronalen

  • Large Language Models

    A Large Language Model (LLM) is a type of artificial intelligence designed to understand and generate human language by processing vast amounts of text data. LLMs are built using deep learning techniques, particularly neural networks, and are trained on billions of words from

  • Modèles de langage volumineux

    Un modèle de langage à grande échelle (LLM) est un type d'intelligence artificielle conçu pour comprendre et générer le langage humain en traitant de vastes quantités de données textuelles. Les LLM sont construits à l'aide de techniques d'apprentissage profond, en particulier

  • Modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni

    Un Modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni (LLM) è un tipo di intelligenza artificiale progettato per comprendere e generare il linguaggio umano elaborando grandi quantità di dati di testo. Gli LLM sono costruiti utilizzando tecniche di apprendimento profondo, in particolare

  • Modelos de lenguaje de gran tamaño

    Un modelo de lenguaje grande (LLM) es un tipo de inteligencia artificial diseñada para comprender y generar lenguaje humano mediante el procesamiento de grandes cantidades de datos de texto. Los LLM se construyen utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje profundo, en particular redes

  • Mudelli Kbar tal-Lingwa

    AMudell tal-Lingwa Kbir (LLM) huwa tip ta' intelliġenza artifiċjali ddisinjata biex tifhem u tiġġenera l-lingwa umana billi tipproċessa ammonti vasti ta' data tat-test. LLMs huma mibnija bl-użu ta 'tekniki ta' tagħlim profond, partikolarment netwerks newrali, u huma mħarrġa fuq

  • r/chatGPT

    The reddit r/ChatGPT is dedicated to discussions, questions, and experiences about ChatGPT and its various uses. The community primarily shares tips on how to best interact with the AI, showcases interesting or humorous outputs, and explores

  • r/ChatGPTdeutsch

    Der Subreddit r/ChatGPTdeutsch dient als Plattform für deutschsprachige Nutzer, um sich über ChatGPT und verwandte Themen auszutauschen. Mitglieder diskutieren über Anwendungsfälle, teilen Erfahrungen und Tipps und stellen Fragen zu technischen Aspekten von ChatGPT, z.B. wie

  • r/ChatGPTSpanish

    El canal de Reddit r/ChatGPTSpanish es una comunidad donde se discuten temas relacionados con el uso de ChatGPT en español. Los usuarios pueden compartir experiencias, hacer preguntas, y resolver dudas relacionadas con el uso de este modelo de lenguaje en

  • r/ClaudeAI

    The Reddit r/ClaudeAI is dedicated to discussions, insights, and questions about Claude, an AI assistant developed by Anthropic. The community focuses on sharing experiences, updates, and tips related to Claude's capabilities and usage,

  • r/GoogleGeminiAI

    The Reddit community r/GoogleGeminiAI focuses on discussions surrounding Google's Gemini AI platform, including its features, limitations, and applications. Users share their experiences, troubleshoot issues, and discuss the ongoing

  • r/grok

    The Reddit channel r/grok is dedicated to discussions about Grok, the AI chatbot developed by Elon Musk's company, xAI. This community focuses on comparing Grok with other AI models like ChatGPT, sharing user experiences, and discussing its

  • r/GrokAI

    The Reddit r/GrokAI appears to focus on discussions and content related to Grok, an AI developed by X (formerly known as Twitter), created by Elon Musk's company. This AI assistant is integrated with X to offer users personalized

  • r/MistralLLM

    The subreddit r/MistralLLM is a community focused on discussions surrounding Mistral, a suite of open-source and commercial Large Language Models (LLMs) developed by Mistral AI. This subreddit serves as a platform for users to exchange

  • Store sprogmodeller

    En Large Language Model (LLM) er en type kunstig intelligens designet til at forstå og generere menneskeligt sprog ved at behandle enorme mængder tekstdata. LLM'er er bygget ved hjælp af deep learning-teknikker, især neurale netværk, og trænes på milliarder af ord fra bøger,
