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L'intelligence artificielle générale (AGI) est un type d'intelligence artificielle (IA) qui égale ou dépasse les capacités humaines dans un large éventail de tâches cognitives. La création de l'AGI est un objectif principal de la recherche en IA et d'entreprises telles qu'OpenAI et Meta. Le calendrier pour parvenir à l'AGI reste un sujet de débat permanent parmi les chercheurs et les experts, mais la plupart des experts s'attendent à ce qu'elle arrive au plus tard en 2027.

  • Elon Musk's Colossus Supercomputer with NVIDIA chips powering GROK

    • Colossus: The largest and most powerful AI training supercomputer developed by Elon Musk's xAI.
    • Location: Memphis, Tennessee, in an industrial park on the Mississippi River. The building was previously home to a Swedish appliance manufacturer,
  • Examining Key Figures Ilya Sutskever: The Visionary Behind Modern AI

    Superintelligence remains a controversial and heavily discussed topic in AI circles. The term describes a level of intelligence that surpasses that of the brightest human minds. Ilya Sutskever and others in the field have debated the feasibility and timeline for achieving

  • Is-Superkompjuter Colossus ta’ Elon Musk b’ċipep NVIDIA li jħaddmu GROK

    • Colossus: L-akbar u l-aktar b'saħħtu superkompjuter tat-taħriġ tal-AI żviluppat mill-xAI ta' Elon Musk.
    • Lokazzjoni: Memphis, Tennessee, f'park industrijali fuq ix-Xmara Mississippi. Il-bini qabel kien dar għal manifattur Svediż tal-apparat,
  • La supercomputadora Colossus de Elon Musk con chips NVIDIA que alimentan GROK

    • Colossus: la supercomputadora de entrenamiento de IA más grande y poderosa desarrollada por xAI de Elon Musk.
    • Ubicación: Memphis, Tennessee, en un parque industrial a orillas del río Misisipi. El edificio fue anteriormente el hogar de un
  • r/AGI

    The Reddit channel r/agi (Artificial General Intelligence) is a community focused on discussions, research, and developments related to Artificial General Intelligence. The main idea of the channel is to facilitate conversation and knowledge

  • r/singularity

    The Reddit channel r/singularity is a community dedicated to discussions about the technological singularity -a theoretical future point where artificial intelligence and other technologies advance to a level that fundamentally transforms

  • r/Superintelligence

    The Reddit channel r/Superintelligence is a forum dedicated to discussions surrounding the concept of superintelligence—an advanced form of AI that surpasses human intelligence across all fields. The main idea behind the channel is to explore the potential

  • Ray Kurzweil on immortality by 2030 through AI

    • Immortality Predictions: Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts that we could achieve immortality by 2030 through advancements in technology. 
    • The Singularity: Refers to the moment when machine intelligence surpasses human
  • Ray Kurzweil sull'immortalità entro il 2030 grazie all'intelligenza artificiale

    • Previsioni sull'immortalità: il futurista Ray Kurzweil prevede che potremmo raggiungere l'immortalità entro il 2030 grazie ai progressi della tecnologia.
    • La singolarità: si riferisce al momento in cui l'intelligenza delle
  • The Future of AI and Quantum Technology in Legal Practice

    As technological advancements continue to reshape industries, the legal profession stands at a critical juncture. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technology presents unique opportunities and challenges for lawyers. AI has already begun to transform the legal

  • The Intersection of 3D Printing and AI in the Financial Sector

    The Dawn of AI in 3D Printing is a Game Changer for Financial Strategies. As the coalescence between AI and 3D printing deepens, financial implications grow increasingly significant. Read more about the Financial Implications of 3D Printing. 

  • The Rise of AGI Bots in the Industrial Landscape

    The emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) bots has been a transformational force in various sectors, particularly in warehousing and logistics. Unlike traditional robots designed for specific tasks, AGI bots possess the ability to learn, adapt, and operate across multiple

  • u/Yann-LeCun

    Yann LeCun is a pioneering AI researcher known for his contributions to deep learning and neural networks, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs). As the Chief AI Scientist at Meta (formerly Facebook), his focus is on advancing AI technologies to power innovations in
