Community dedicated to discussing and exploring the fascinating world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and superintelligence. Curated high-quality content related to superintelligence, including news, research articles, and discussions. Encourage active participation by engaging with members through insightful comments, responding to questions, and promoting healthy discussions.
The Reddit channel r/Superintelligence is a forum dedicated to discussions surrounding the concept of superintelligence—an advanced form of AI that surpasses human intelligence across all fields. The main idea behind the channel is to explore the potential development of superintelligent systems, their risks, benefits, and the future impact they could have on society. Topics often include theoretical frameworks, ethical considerations, and strategies for ensuring safe and beneficial development of superintelligent AI. The subreddit serves as a platform for enthusiasts, researchers, and thinkers to delve into the profound questions and possibilities associated with superintelligent AI.
Practically speaking how much of a actual threat would an individual with super intelligence pose to the world, the United States, and other major powers in real life, assuming this person was willing to use violence or extreme methods to gain power or achieve a specific goal?
What would you do if you had Superhuman Intelligence?
#TechTuesday Initiative: Superintelligence Imagined Contest!
Super Quantum Computing, Super-Intelligence, Simple Math
Mapping the Trajectory of High-Level Machine Intelligence - Request for Assistance