A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency where the value of the digital asset is supposed to be pegged to a reference asset, which is either fiat money, exchange-traded commodities (such as precious metals or industrial metals), or another cryptocurrency. In theory, 1:1 backing by a reference asset could make a stablecoin value track the value of the peg and not be subject to the radical changes in value common in the market for many digital assets.
Muniti Stabbli
A Muniti Stabbli (stablecoin) hija tip ta 'munita kripto bħal USDTfejn il-valur tal-assi diġitali suppost huwa marbut ma' assi ta 'referenza. Stablecoins iservu bħala antidotu tant meħtieġ għall-volatilità tal-prezzijiet fis-swieq tal-kripto-munita. Xi proġetti
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Stabile mønter
En stablecoin er en type kryptovaluta som USDT, hvor værdien af det digitale aktiv formodes at være knyttet til et referenceaktiv. Stablecoins tjener som en tiltrængt modgift mod prisvolatilitet på kryptovalutamarkederne. Nogle stablecoin-projekter har bundet
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Stabile Münzen
Ein Stablecoin ist eine Art Kryptowährung wie USDT, bei der der Wert des digitalen Vermögenswerts an einen Referenzwert gekoppelt sein soll. Stablecoins dienen als dringend benötigtes Gegenmittel gegen die Preisvolatilität auf den Kryptowährungsmärkten. Einige
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Stable Coins
A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency like USDT where the value of the digital asset is supposed to be pegged to a reference asset. Stablecoins serve as a much-needed antidote to price volatility in the cryptocurrency markets. Some stablecoin projects have
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Stable Coins
Un stablecoin est un type de cryptomonnaie comme l'USDT où la valeur de l'actif numérique est censée être indexée sur un actif de référence. Les stablecoins servent d'antidote indispensable à la volatilité des prix sur les marchés des cryptomonnaies. Certains
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Stable Coins
Una stablecoin è un tipo di criptovaluta come USDT in cui il valore dell'asset digitale dovrebbe essere ancorato a un asset di riferimento. Le stablecoin fungono da antidoto tanto necessario alla volatilità dei prezzi nei mercati delle criptovalute. Alcuni
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Una stablecoin es un tipo de criptomoneda como USDT, en la que se supone que el valor del activo digital está vinculado a un activo de referencia. Las monedas estables sirven como un antídoto muy necesario contra la volatilidad de los precios en los mercados de