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Smart Contract

A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Operated on blockchain technology, it automatically enforces and executes contractual obligations when predetermined conditions are met, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This innovation enhances transparency, security, and efficiency in various transactions, making it a cornerstone of decentralised applications and cryptocurrency ecosystems.
  • Die Entwicklung von Smart Contracts innerhalb der Blockchain-Technologie

    Smart Contracts stellen einen entscheidenden Fortschritt im Blockchain-Ökosystem dar, da sie als selbstausführende Verträge fungieren, deren Vertragsbedingungen direkt in Codezeilen geschrieben sind. Diese Verträge laufen auf Blockchains, was Transparenz und Unveränderlichkeit ermöglicht und

  • L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Kuntratti Intelliġenti fi ħdan it-Teknoloġija Blockchain

    Kuntratti intelliġenti jirrappreżentaw avvanz kruċjali fl-ekosistema blockchain, li jaġixxu bħala kuntratti li jeżegwixxu lilhom infushom bit-termini tal-ftehim miktuba direttament f'linji ta 'kodiċi. Dawn il-kuntratti jimxu fuq blockchains, li jippermettu t-trasparenza u l-immutabilità, u

  • L'évolution des contrats intelligents au sein de la technologie Blockchain

    Les contrats intelligents représentent une avancée majeure au sein de l'écosystème de la blockchain, agissant comme des contrats auto-exécutables dont les termes sont directement écrits dans des lignes de code. Ces contrats fonctionnent sur des blockchains, ce qui permet la transparence et

  • L'evoluzione degli Smart Contract nella tecnologia Blockchain

    Gli smart contract rappresentano un progresso fondamentale nell'ecosistema blockchain, agendo come contratti autoeseguibili con i termini dell'accordo scritti direttamente in linee di codice. Questi contratti vengono eseguiti su blockchain, consentendo trasparenza e immutabilità ed eliminando

  • La evolución de los contratos inteligentes dentro de la tecnología blockchain

    Los contratos inteligentes representan un avance fundamental dentro del ecosistema blockchain, ya que actúan como contratos autoejecutables con los términos del acuerdo escritos directamente en líneas de código. Estos contratos se ejecutan en cadenas de bloques, lo que permite la transparencia

  • The Evolution of Smart Contracts within Blockchain Technology

    Smart contracts represent a pivotal advancement within the blockchain ecosystem, acting as self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. These contracts run on blockchains, enabling transparency and immutability, and removing the need for
