Agħżel il-lingwa tiegħek


Shiba Inu token (ticker: SHIB) hija munita kripto deċentralizzata maħluqa f'Awwissu 2020 minn persuna jew grupp anonimu li juża l-psewdonimu "Ryoshi" . Huwa ispirat mill-Shiba Inu (柴犬), razza tal-klieb Ġappuniża. F'Ottubru 2021, il-prezz tas-suq tal-munita kripto esperjenza żieda sinifikanti, allegatament żdied b'240% fi żmien ġimgħa.

  • r/shibaINU

    The r/SHIBArmy subreddit is a vibrant community centered around the Shiba Inu (SHIB) cryptocurrency, where fans, investors, and enthusiasts discuss the token and its ecosystem. The main idea of the channel is to support the growth and adoption


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