Ir-Rocket Lab USA Inc. huwa manifattur ta' l-ajruspazju innegozjat pubblikament u fornitur ta' servizzi ta' tnedija li jniedi rokits orbitali ta' Electron ħfief użati biex jipprovdu servizzi dedikati ta' tnedija għal satelliti żgħar kif ukoll varjant suborbitali ta' Electron imsejjaħ L-għaġla. Il-kumpanija qed tippjana li tibni rokit Neutron akbar sa mill-2025.
The Reddit r/RocketLab is a community dedicated to discussing Rocket Lab, an aerospace company known for its Electron rockets and expanding ventures in the space industry. The subreddit features discussions on various topics, including Rocket
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The Reddit channel r/RocketLabInvestorClub is a community focused on discussions related to Rocket Lab, a prominent private aerospace manufacturer and small satellite launch service provider. This subreddit is particularly geared toward
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Rocket Lab is a private aerospace company founded in 2006 by Peter Beck, based in Long Beach, California. It focuses on providing small satellite launch services to orbit, catering to the growing demand for deploying small and medium-sized payloads into space. Rocket Lab’s