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Sommarju ta' l-Artikolu :: TL;DR

L-artikolu "Tax, Tax, Tax And Blockchain!" jista' jinġabar fil-qosor kif ġej: Tax, Tax, Tax – And Blockchain! Wayne Pisani heads Grant Thornton’s tax, regulatory and compliance practice and Russell Camilleri is a tax specialist. Jew fi kliem saħansitra iqsar l-enfasi ewlenija hija fuq Tax, Tax, Wayne Pisani, Tax, Blockchain, Virtual Financial Assets, VFA, taxation, expert kif ukoll blockchain island.


Tax, Tax, Tax – And Blockchain!




Wayne Pisani

Tax, Tax, Tax – And Blockchain!
If you don’t come for taxes, taxes come to you! This night will be about taxation and running a blockchain related business in Malta – the Blockchain Island. Learn from and ask your questions to those amazing speakers and business and taxation experts:

Wayne Pisani heads Grant Thornton’s tax, regulatory and compliance practice and Russell Camilleri is a tax specialist leading Grant Thornton’s business process solutions and indirect tax teams. Both have a strong background in the Virtual Financial Assets (VFA) space space, having helped a number of clients in the process of obtaining their VFA licence in Malta as well as advised upon the legal, tax and VAT implications of a number of transactions in coins, tokens and NFTs. They will be speaking about the tax implications in Malta of trading in crypto assets, with a particular focus on those applicable to individuals. Please contact the organizers if you want to present!

  1. Facebook video