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L-artiklu "Sales in the crypto space" jista' jinġabar fil-qosor bit-test astratt li ġej: Tonight you can get a glimpse on how sales in the crypto space work with Narcis Gavrilescum, Head of Business. Don’t worry, this is done in a beginner friendly way during a fun night. Jew fi kliem saħansitra iqsar jistabbilixxi l-fokus ewlieni fuq Narcis Gavrilescu, Head of Business, crypto space, work, Narcis Gavrilescum, Head of Business, beginner friendly, fun night, like-minded, passion, blockchain technology, Narcis Gavrilescu kif ukoll Head of Business.


Sales in the crypto space




Narcis Gavrilescu

Now, we know crypto can be a little confusing but tonight you can get a glimpse on how sales in the crypto space work. Don’t worry, this is done in a beginner friendly way during a fun night with like-minded people that share a passion for blockchain technology.

Narcis Gavrilescu, Head of Business Development from Xcoins will share his insight into the industry and show you how crypto deals are done these days.