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Sommarju ta' l-Artikolu :: TL;DR

L-artiklu "Coffee, Wine and Blockchain Technology" jista' jinġabar fil-qosor bit-test astratt li ġej: Do you know, where your coffee comes from? A journey through the coffee supply-chain and its trouble. And how blockchain could help. Prof Joshua Ellul Blockchain starts tonight. Jew fi kliem saħansitra iqsar jistabbilixxi l-fokus ewlieni fuq coffee comes, coffee supply-chain, blockchain, blockchain, Prof Joshua Ellul, Blockchain, tonight, coffee and wine, blockchains, real-world, use cases kif ukoll coffee supply chains.


Coffee, Wine and Blockchain Technology




Prof. Josh Ellul

Do you know, where your coffee comes from? A journey through the coffee supply-chain and its trouble. And how blockchain could help!

Blockchain technology is eating the world and tonight we start with coffee and wine. Learn how blockchains solve real-world use cases, such as supply-chain management for the wine industry and sustainable coffee production.