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L-artiklu "AI in different sectors - Panel discussion" jista' jinġabar fil-qosor bit-test astratt li ġej: Join this panel debate on "AI in different sectors" with Dr Stefan Buttgieg, Dawson Camilleri and Zak Micallef. Technology changes the world. Jew fi kliem saħansitra iqsar jistabbilixxi l-fokus ewlieni fuq panel debate, AI, different sectors, Dr Stefan Buttgieg, Dawson Camilleri, Zak Micallef, Technology, world, opportunity, tonight, discuss, Artificial Intelligence, AI, blockchain technology impact kif ukoll different sectors.


AI in different sectors - Panel discussion




Dawson Camilleri, Dr Stephan Buttgieg and Zak Micallef

Join this panel debate on "AI in different sectors" with Dr Stefan Buttgieg, Dawson Camilleri and Zak Micallef

Technology changes the world. It opens opportunity and tonight we discuss how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology impact different sectors.