La biotecnologia è un campo multidisciplinare che prevede l'integrazione di scienze naturali e scienze ingegneristiche per ottenere l'applicazione di organismi e parti di essi per prodotti e servizi. La biotecnologia ha avuto un impatto significativo su molti settori della società, dalla medicina all'agricoltura alle scienze ambientali. Una delle tecniche chiave utilizzate nella biotecnologia è l'ingegneria genetica, che consente agli scienziati di modificare la composizione genetica degli organismi per ottenere i risultati desiderati.
Bijoteknoloġijahuwa qasam multidixxiplinarju li jinvolvi l-integrazzjoni tax-xjenzi naturali u x-xjenzi tal-inġinerija bil-għan li tittejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-bnedmin. Il-bijoteknoloġija tintuża prinċipalment fl-agrikoltura, ix-xjenza tal-ikel, u l-mediċina u tista 'tiġi
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Biotech Express Magazine
Biotech Express, is a monthly magazine dedicated to biotechnology and allied sciences. Registered with RNI and ISSN, it stands out for its unique focus on biotechnology, offering a platform for Editorials, Guest Articles, Reports, Interviews, and current news. The magazine
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La biotechnologie est un domaine multidisciplinaire qui implique l'intégration des sciences naturelles et des sciences de l'ingénieur dans le but d'améliorer la qualité de vie des humains. La biotechnologie est principalement utilisée dans l'agriculture, la science alimentaire
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Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary field that involves the integration of natural sciences and engineering sciences with the goal to improve the live quality of the humans. Biotechnology is mainly used in agriculture, food science, and medicine and can be defined as the
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La biotecnologia è un campo multidisciplinare che coinvolge l'integrazione di scienze naturali e scienze ingegneristiche con l'obiettivo di migliorare la qualità della vita degli esseri umani. La biotecnologia è utilizzata principalmente in agricoltura, scienze alimentari e
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La biotecnología es un campo multidisciplinario que implica la integración de las ciencias naturales y las ciencias de la ingeniería con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los seres humanos. La biotecnología se utiliza principalmente en la agricultura, la ciencia de
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Bioteknologi er et tværfagligt område, der involverer integration af naturvidenskab og ingeniørvidenskab med det mål at forbedre menneskers livskvalitet. Bioteknologi bruges hovedsageligt inden for landbrug, fødevarevidenskab og medicin og kan defineres som udnyttelse af
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Find on the Blog the latest Biotechnology business news, policies, commercial, legal, political, and scientific trends in biotechnology and more.
Fierce Biotec
Fierce Biotech is your source for the latest news, analysis and data in the world of biotech and pharma R&D.
HEISE Biotechnology
Der RSS-Feed von HEISE zum Thema Biotechnologie bietet aktuelle Nachrichten und detaillierte Berichterstattung über Entwicklungen in der Biotechnologie. Heise ist bekannt für seine hohe Informationsdichte und umfassende Analysen. Der Feed deckt
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Labiotech, founded in 2014 by biotech engineers, has emerged as Europe's premier digital media outlet for the biotechnology sector. The platform, now a part of Inpart, offers a comprehensive array of content, including in-depth analyses, company profiles, and interviews with
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Neuralink is an implant that can monitor and stimulate brain activity using electrical currents. Neuralink aims to help people with paralysis communicate by allowing them to remotely control devices using brain activity.
r/Brain Computer Interface
The Reddit community r/BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is a forum dedicated to the discussion and exploration of brain-computer interfaces, which are systems that enable direct communication between the brain and external devices, often
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The Reddit channel r/Neuralink is a community focused on discussions and updates about Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk that aims to develop brain-computer interface technology. The main idea behind the channel is to provide a space for enthusiasts,