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L'articolo "Premiere: Supercharging the Metaverse" possono essere riassunti come segue: This night is about ‘supercharing’ the Metaverse with augmented reality (AR) technology with the speakers Kendrick Debono and Aryan Behzadi. O in parole ancora più brevi, l'attenzione principale è su supercharing, Metaverse, augmented-reality, AR, technology, Kendrick-Debono, Aryan-Behzadi, founder, Grind2Succeed, NFT-Strategist, Aryan, Behzadi, CEO, ARize, creator, 3D, AR, products così come experiences.


Premiere: Supercharging the Metaverse




Kendrick Debono and Aryan Behzadi

This night is about ‘supercharing’ the Metaverse with augmented reality (AR) technology.

From humble beginnings to international NFT-Strategist; that is the story of Kendrick Debono. Founder of Grind2Succeed (@grind2succeed) he is currently Head of Marketing at Jupiter Group launching various NFT-projects with renounced artists.

Aryan Behzadi, CEO of ARize, the #1 supplier and creator for 3D and AR products & experiences will take you on a visual journey with the latest updates on 3D & AR NFTs, their upcoming 3D marketplace together with a rundown on their ARZ token.

  1. Facebook video