Bring Web3 to the people!
Dr Justine, Fran, Tom Gillespie
Meet Jacob Camilleri is the founder of Sonar; bridging the gap between humans and blockchains.
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L'articolo "Bring Web3 to the people" possono essere riassunti come segue: Tonight is about decentralized finance (DeFi) and how to make it easier to use for everyone. For most beginners the biggest opportunities in the Web3 remain hidden. O in parole ancora più brevi, l'attenzione principale è su decentralized finance, DeFi, everyone, beginners, biggest opportunities, Web3, tonight, complexity, confusion, risk, Speakers, Dr Justine, Fran così come Tom Gillespie.
Meet Jacob Camilleri is the founder of Sonar; bridging the gap between humans and blockchains.