Sales in the crypto space
Narcis Gavrilescu
Narcis Gavrilescu, Head of Business Development from Xcoins will share his insight into the industry and show you how crypto deals are done these days.
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L'article "Sales in the crypto space" peut se résumer ainsi : Tonight you can get a glimpse on how sales in the crypto space work with Narcis Gavrilescum, Head of Business. Don’t worry, this is done in a beginner friendly way during a fun night. Ou, en termes encore plus courts, l'accent principal est mis sur Narcis Gavrilescu, Head of Business, crypto space, work, Narcis Gavrilescum, Head of Business, beginner friendly, fun night, like-minded, passion, blockchain technology, Narcis Gavrilescu ainsi que Head of Business.
Narcis Gavrilescu, Head of Business Development from Xcoins will share his insight into the industry and show you how crypto deals are done these days.