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Résumé de l'article :: TL;DR

L'article "DeFi Study Group" peut se résumer ainsi : A brief history of what's a Study Group, what was a PSG and, most importantly, why a Study Group. See how CHM tries to address the problem. Ou, en termes encore plus courts, l'accent principal est mis sur brief history, Study Group, PSG, important, Study Group, Knowledge is power, effort, CHM ainsi que crypto hub malta.


DeFi Study Group




Damiano, MJ and Sid

A brief history of what's a Study Group, what was a PSG and, most importantly, why a Study Group?

Knowledge is power and a necessity that takes time and effort. See how CHM tries to address the problem. Let's listen to the stories of a bunch of CHM pioneers who tried and keep trying.

  1. Facebook video

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