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Bambu Lab es una empresa de tecnología de consumo que se centra en las impresoras 3D de escritorio. A partir de la serie X1, Bambu Lab fabrica impresoras 3D de última generación que rompen las barreras entre el mundo digital y el físico, llevando la creatividad a un nivel completamente nuevo. En agosto de 2024, Stratasys presentó una demanda contra la empresa china de impresión 3D Bambu Lab, alegando infracción de patente.

  • Bambu Lab Reddit

  • Bambu Labs

    Bambu Lab is a consumer tech company focusing on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, bringing creativity to a whole new level. Right now we have three sites located at

  • r/BambuLab Community

    The Reddit channel r/bambulab_news, run by the user hot_you596, is dedicated to updates and discussions about Bambu Lab, a company known for its 3D printers and related technologies. The main idea behind the channel is to provide a platform for sharing news,
