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Crypto Currency

Cryptocurrency, sometimes called crypto-currency or crypto, is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions. Cryptocurrency received its name because it uses encryption to verify transactions. This means advanced coding is involved in storing and transmitting cryptocurrency data between wallets and to public ledgers. The aim of encryption is to provide security and safety.


  • BitCoins

    Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in 2009 but never revealed his identity to the world. There are huge questions looming around this. For instance: Is Satoshi Nakamoto one person or a group of people? Why isn’t he claiming the success of his currency? Will he unlock his supposed bitcoin wallet and is Satoshi Nakamoto still alive?

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  • AltCoins

    Altcoins is a broader term for cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin as all other cryptocurrencies that were launched after Bitcoin are considered altcoins. Bitcoin being the first and oldest cryptocurrency means that it is regarded as a sort of progenitor to all other altcoin cryptocurrencies available today.

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  • Meme Coins

    A meme coin is a type of cryptocurrency that is typically based on internet memes or popular cultural phenomena. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, meme coins often lack an underlying utility or purpose beyond the community and cultural phenomenon they represent.

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